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168极速赛车开奖记录查询 Reviews

Welcome to the website of the Australian psychedelic and progressive band, 168极速赛车开奖记录查询 Lucid Planet. We created everything you see here, from the music creation, production, the website, online store and beyond, all from scratch and 100% independently.

With that being said, this is the absolute best place to support our journey. All of our music is available for pay-what-you-feel-is-fair, so head over to the Store to see what we have available. We also have a lot of beautifully crafted merchandise that we've put a lot of love and care into. 100% of the profits made on this website are returned directly into the band to help keep this project going, so purchasing here supports us compared to purchasing anywhere else helps us immensely.

The 'Lucid Planet II - Visual Experience' is a full length visual accompaniment for Lucid Planet II. We intend for it to help guide listeners though the journey of the album, and allow them to give their full presence and attention. It is easy these days to have our attention stolen by phones or social media, but there is real power in setting the time aside to fully absorb into a cohesive work of art.

Our live shows are packed with crowded dance floors, psychedelic visuals and a clean, heavy sound.

Here's a preview of the action - check back for more footage soon.

Our mailing list is our main point of contact regarding early access to releases, special offers and important updates. We take great care in ensuring all of our emails are worthwhile and offer something of substance.
We want to create a community through our mailing list that is unbound from social media and therefore something that is our own.
Email Address

Donations are a great way to help support us to continue creating new music. We also have unique, exclusive and personalized items we give away as a 'thank you' for your contribution. Donate and find out what you can receive.

友情链接: 极速赛车-幸运飞艇-澳洲幸运官方体彩,官网直播开奖结果&全天开奖记录 极速赛车官方,澳洲幸运5,8,10,幸运飞艇官网,168飞艇,澳门彩,河内5分彩 168极速赛车官网开奖历史记录 168极速赛车官方网站 2022极速赛车历史开奖结果正规网站,2022极速赛车168官网开奖分析数据 极速赛车官网开奖结果 168极速赛车在线开奖官方 极速赛车168开奖结果正规官网 75秒极速赛车开奖网-168极速赛车开奖结果+开奖记录历史查询-极速赛车 168极速赛车官方开奖网站+开奖记录数据-极速赛车现场开奖直播结果 168极速赛车开奖记录官网-168极速赛车官方直播开奖网-极速赛车开奖结果官方网站 168极速赛车|168极速赛车官网开奖|最靠谱极速赛车正规信誉平台|正规极速赛车app