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Lucid Planet

Released in 2015, the debut self-titled album Lucid Planet was the band’s first full-length endeavour, combining the likes of heavy progressive rock, tribal drumming, intense crescendos, subtle rhythms and mellowing psychedelic soundscapes.
The physical release of this album comes with a 16-page lyrics and art booklet featuring the work of Chris Sukut ( and Joma Sipe (, and a digital download link in your choice of MP3, WAV or FLAC format for instant access.

We've been told along the way that this idea is too idealistic, that no one will pay if they don't have to.

But so far we haven't found this to be true. We feel that in making this band we've had an opportunity to make whatever rules we want, to create our own little world. And why not make it the world we would like to live in?

The idea is pretty simple: we want everyone to be able to access our music, no matter their financial situation. Life is difficult, more so for some and less so for others. If you purchase our music for less than our asking price, that's perfectly fine – but if you're able, please consider returning some day to further support us. On the other hand, if you believe our music is worth more than what we're asking – if this music speaks to you, if it adds value to your life – we encourage you to enter a purchase price that reflects that. It just might pay the way for someone else.


» 16 page lyrics/art booklet

» Album art sticker

» Digital Download


(Asking Price)


(over $15)


(over $15)


We've been told along the way that this idea is too idealistic, that no one will pay if they don't have to.

But so far we haven't found this to be true. We feel that in making this band we've had an opportunity to make whatever rules we want, to create our own little world. And why not make it the world we would like to live in?

The idea is pretty simple: we want everyone to be able to access our music, no matter their financial situation. Life is difficult, more so for some and less so for others. If you purchase our music for less than our asking price, that's perfectly fine – but if you're able, please consider returning some day to further support us. On the other hand, if you believe our music is worth more than what we're asking – if this music speaks to you, if it adds value to your life – we encourage you to enter a purchase price that reflects that. It just might pay the way for someone else.


» Digital download of
the album in mp3,
wav or flac format


(Asking Price)





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